I’m Nguyen Ngoc Thu

I’m Nguyen Ngoc Thu

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Nguyen Ngoc Thu

I am a “Happinista” - A person who pursues Happiness in Life.

Ph.D. Researcher at The University of Helsinki, Finland.

I'm Ngoc Thu. My name means a valuable book and I would like to thank my father for giving me this lovely name because he loves books. I believe that the universe brought me to Finland - The happiest country in the world. My life's journey is to live happily and inspire women, like me, to overcome barriers and lead fulfilled lives.

Now I live in Helsinki, Finland, and am pursuing a PhD program at the University of Helsinki. My academic journey began with a Master's degree in Sociology in Vietnam, followed by over 11 years of starting a business. Recently, I successfully earned a Bachelor's degree in International Business and Logistics from Metropolia University of Applied Sciences, Finland.

Throughout the process of studying and developing my career, a singular theme has consistently captivated my interest - Happiness.

Living in Finland has provided me with the opportunity to experience a high-quality life, and I truly find happiness in this second home of mine.

However, I am deeply aware that many individuals in my community face challenges that reduce their happiness. Some struggle to integrate into Finnish life, closing themselves off from development opportunities. This isolation, where individuals interact only within their language and cultural comfort zones, turns them into pessimists, leading to a decline in life satisfaction. This greatly concerns me.

Furthermore, when talking with relatives and friends in Vietnam, who have observed my wonderful journey in Finland and are now planning to migrate for a better life, I realized significant barriers hinder their intentions. Incomplete views of Finnish life, lack of information, climate anxiety, or invisible fears pose significant challenges for those planning to migrate.

With Finland's growing demand for skilled immigrants and Vietnam ranking among the top 10 foreign communities, alongside being recognized by the government as a source of experts, it becomes clear that the Vietnamese community in Finland requires practical solutions to enhance their overall happiness and well-being. In addition, there is an urgent need to communicate accurate information about Finland to potential Vietnamese migrants, encouraging them to consider moving to Finland.

Grateful for the opportunities I've been afforded, I am driven to delve deeper into the topic of Happiness. I aim to translate the knowledge, insights, and experiences gained during my research at the University of Helsinki into tangible solutions that can benefit the community, particularly Vietnamese immigrants in Finland and qualified individuals in Vietnam aspiring to migrate to Finland for a better life. I hope to facilitate smoother integration into the community, enabling everyone to experience a high-quality life and genuine happiness in Finland - the Happiest country in the world.


See my research here! (Coming soon)


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